Sunday, March 18, 2007

3 ways Power Point can be used well...

According to the required reading, I felt the author wasn't so much saying Power Point was a bad medium, but the way in which its used can relfect negatively on its audience. Therefore, I've been trying to think of ways where Power Point is a good tool of presenting information. This is what I cam up with:

1. Digital Images- In the current art world, digital images are become the typical way to submit one's work for scholarships, grants, competitions, galleries. I think if one's work is good, it'll come across just fine in Powe Point.

2. Add campaigns- Well, the point of an add is the influence one to buy the product. Using a power point, can help the customer see what he or she is buying through visuals, exemplars, and facts. The adverister also must use other means besides Power Point, such as handouts and a good preach to sell the product.

3. Other- Really I think any kind of information can be presented successful via Power Point, however, it should only be used as a tool to enchance the presentation, not be the presentation.

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