Sunday, April 29, 2007

I just read an article that says that talks about a creations by Sony called the Sony Reader and it's basically an ipod for books. Have we really become that into technology that we need to digitize our books so that we can read it on a screen? I'm sorry but in the first place I don't see many people walking around with so many books that they need to put them all on a digital device so they can read them from a screen. Seriously, when did reading a book become old technology? I don't know about the rest of you but I would rather read a book than sit in front of a screen and have my eyes hurt (even if they made the screen easier to read) because no one needs to spend $350 on a device because they're too lazy to carry a book. I can hardly make it through reading a newspaper article online and someone expects me to be able to read an entire book, I don't think so.

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