Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Hey I'm sure you've already checked out the new iPhone, but for those of you who haven't, I thought I'd take the opportunity to show you. After watching Bladder Runner and reading the Interface, it got me realizing how the iPhone is an such a good look into the future of technology; the all-in-one package. Anyways, the new iPhone is an all-in-one package consisting of: a phone, ipod, movie player, camera, internet device with wireless capabilities, gps mapping system, etc.... Even though the item is rectangular, it can be used both horizonatlly or vertically, with a touch pad keyboard and multi-touch sensor. What more can you ask for in a phone?

It will be released here in the US in June for a whopping $650.

Check it out for yourself....

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

new post in old post

Sunday, January 28, 2007


1. since on computers we can simply cut and paste text, video, images, pixels, and so on in exactly the same way, does this alter our perception of real life at all? Are we too accustomed to this to be attached to reality?

2. the computer now is a multifaceted tool, equipped with programs for work, leisure, and both. As our society progresses and we get more computer/phone/camera/video recorder/tazer/calculator/etc... will we eventually end up with one tool that does everything possible? Will we end up with some machine that makes it so that we never have to leave one spot?
Having an unrestricted internet, Are we in one of the Last free unregulated social networking time periods? Like many technological advances before it the internet, it is threatened by regulations, most recently Network Neutrality, this one most likely won't go anywhere, but what's next??? ENjoy it while it lasts.

Also, On a Barely Related Note, Matthew Barney was mentioned in the Reading as an techno-noir artist similar to the driector of Blade Runner. Matthew Barney is going to be at the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington DC Wednesday, Is anyone Going?

Hirshhorn Museum

The Interface

What happens when an interface does not allow for the user to access the function that it needs or wants to reach, that is within the construct of the interface? And as a follow up to that, what happens when a user tries to solve the problem and find away around the interface to access the restricted information?

oh cool, telekenesis


- Because the internet has create such a cultural fusion, mimicking a sense of life, it is possible that the evolution of our accessibility to the internet (ie. limited to viewing a screen) could lead to an eventual paralell reality or virtual reality. What does this suggest about our own reality. Could we be lost in some virtual atmosphere left to function on its own with no trace of the creators. Could we lose ourselves in a virtual reality and begin to ask questions about the origin of things, knowledge, purpose, and existence such that philosophers have been doing for centuries? Is the make up of our biological anatomy a possible clue to what technology looked like in another reality and we've become so autonomous that we've lost touch and/or purpose to it?



The Universe as a Computer

So what if the universe was actually a computer, and atoms, molecules, and even energy can be translated into the binaries: 1 and 0?

Sounds strange, but it might not be too far off. An awesome Wired Magazine article talks about this.
1.Since the interface changes how we view information through a computer and "imposes its own logic on them" won't the same facts appear different to each person who views it, whereas with a book every copy is equal to another therefore everyone is has equal facts. If in the future books and printed information become obsolete how will one know what version of the facts is true?

2.Can any one person claim to be the sole creator of computer based art if it first goes through a programmer and a computer program?


is the technological revolution destorying our ability to perceive reality?

will the non-digital world eventually become obsolete because of the convenience and speed with which everything can be done on a computer?

The Interface

While reading this article, I was especially interested when Manovich spoke about how technology and the use of the computer has changed over the past twenty years. Having grown up with computers I didn't realize just how drastic the progress has been since the early 80s. My first question is, is the progress of computers and our society's increasing reliance on them healthy for our culture? I, myself, sometimes worry that because computers and the work that can be done on them is becoming increasingly more valued, i idea of something handmade, and even something with human flaws is becoming more rare. My second question is a follow-up to that statement: should the work of computers be valued equally to the work of man?

The Interface

While reading the article the first thing I questioned was what does "meatspace" mean and who is the author quoting? I have never heard of this term before and it sounds unappealing.

Question number 2...

The reading discusses how technology has advanced over the years. I'm curious as to what people think is next. The latest creations that have impressed people have just been the combination of pre-existing things. (camera phones, iphone, ipods that can have pictures, blackberries) What comes after mp3s, digital photography and wireless internet? What are consumers going to be interested in buying to make their life even easier and more transportable?
1. If Bladerunner was "dark and decayed" and the GUI's purpose is "clarity and functionality", what is the cultural significance of them being released within two years of each other?

2. If the difference between new media design and new media art is "interface dichotomy" why is the content and interface considered one entity in new media art but not new media design?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

1. According to the book, we engage in more activities during a typical day than Karl Marx imagined. Then it states that "Yet in performing all these different activities, the user in essence is always using the same tools and commands: a computer screen and a mouse, a Web brower; a search engine; cut, paste, copy, delete, and find commands." Isn't it unreliable to argue that the user in essence is always involved in the stated activities? It seems more of an assumption, rather than a proved factor.

2. Is it possible to think that the increasing development of technology, including GUI, may result in "dark, decayed, "postmodern" society as in Blade Runner?

Friday, January 26, 2007

1. In discussing the AL evolutionary programs, or whatever, Manovitch writes, "the content of [a new media] artwork is the collaboration" between artist/programmer, computer, and viewer. This does not seem like a ground-breaking, interface-related idea; couldn't it be argued that all artistic content (especially in performance and installation) is partially based on the viewer's response and participation?

2. Why would Karl Marx ever want to overcome the work-leisure divide? Weak.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Interface

According to the Whorf-Sapir hypothesis, what would the world would be like if the new interface was able to translate all codes?"

The Interface

In the direction technology is advancing, do you think Video Games and other computer enterainment will become the new "interactive" media?

Monday, January 22, 2007

Really Cool Music Sites (and other sites)

Hi everyone.

I know of some great music sights that are free, legal, and interesting indie/electronic stuff. So check them out:

Miasmah (Indie Recording Label)
Hybridized (Downloadable Techno and House music DJ sets)
Subsource (Indie music from Germany)

Mandolux is a really neat photography and desktop website. For those looking for cool desktops, you can go there.

And if anyone's interested, this is my website,


Fat Cat


Everyone likes cat pictures

Little Superstar

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Welcome to EMAC

This is the class web log for section B of MICA's Electronic Media and Culture course, in the Spring 2007.